
Meaning of 'CALMEZ-VOUS'

Reviewed by Sunny
am July 10th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song lyrics deal with themes such as street life, confrontations, survival strategies, and personal development.
  • Hard realities of street life like drug trafficking, violence, and the struggle for survival are portrayed with direct words.
  • The text reflects personal development, the desire for change, and the search for a better life despite the difficulties.
  • There is some criticism of society and the circumstances in which the protagonists live, as well as the struggle for recognition and respect.
  • Overall, the song lyrics convey a mix of challenges, survival struggle, personal development, and the pursuit of a better life in difficult circumstances.


The lyrics of the song "CALMEZ-VOUS" by 1PLIKÉ140 deal with various themes such as street life, confrontations, survival strategies, and personal development. The text describes different everyday situations and challenges that the protagonists face. It is about dealing with difficult situations, societal pressure, and the pursuit of success and recognition.
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Source: Youtube
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