
Meaning of 'LUNCH'

Reviewed by Sven
am May 19th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song 'LUNCH' by Billie Eilish is about an intense, almost obsessive attraction towards a particular person.
  • The lyrics use metaphors to highlight the strong desire and intensity of the protagonist's emotions.
  • It portrays a strong attraction and fascination for the person, perceived as unique and irresistible.
  • The protagonist expresses a desire to want more than just friendship and longs for a deeper relationship.
  • Overall, the lyrics convey a mix of intensity, desire, and a touch of obsession towards the said person.


The song "LUNCH" by Billie Eilish is about an intense, almost obsessive attraction to someone. The lyrics describe the feelings of the protagonist, who is consumed by the person he desires. The text contains metaphors that illustrate the desire and intensity of the emotions.
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Billie Eilish - LUNCH
Source: Youtube
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