
Meaning of 'Finger voller Ringe'

Reviewed by Martinez
am August 31st, 2023
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about sudden wealth and the luxurious lifestyle associated with it.
  • The protagonist tells how his life has changed since he became successful and has money.
  • It is evident that the singer now receives a lot of attention from women and feels cool.
  • The lyrics also include lines about his wild lifestyle and possible drug use.
  • Overall, it is about a proud expression of success and how the singer's life has changed.


The lyrics of the song 'Finger voller Ringe' by Bonez MC are about sudden wealth and the luxurious lifestyle associated with it. The protagonist of the song tells how his life has changed since he became successful and has money.

In the lyrics, it becomes clear that the singer didn't receive much attention from women before, but now that he's famous, suddenly many women are interested in him. He feels cool and wears diamonds on his face. His fingers are full of rings and he wears an expensive chain around his neck. He has also received many likes on social media for his bedding, indicating that he is also successful in this area.

Furthermore, the lyrics mention that the protagonist has bought an expensive watch for thirty million and that he no longer looks at the price. His teeth are gold-plated and his eyes have rings. All these luxury items symbolize his wealth and status.

The lyrics also contain some lines about his lifestyle. The singer is 34 years old and seems to lead a wild life, probably involving drugs. He mentions how he eats donuts in back alleys and drinks silicone and rum with cola on jet skis. He also seems to have no interest in rap beefs and prefers to watch adult movies on big TV screens.

Overall, the song 'Finger voller Ringe' by Bonez MC is about sudden wealth and the luxurious life that the singer now leads. He proudly displays his success and how his life has changed since he became famous.
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Bonez MC - Finger voller Ringe
Source: Youtube
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