
Meaning of 'Adventure of a Lifetime'

Reviewed by Sunny
am September 18th, 2023
☝️ Key Points
  • The song encourages to use the magical potential to make dreams come true.
  • It is emphasized that life is lived only once and that adventures and experiences should be shared.
  • Meeting a special person brings life back to life.
  • It is stressed to be strong and hold the sky together.
  • The chorus 'Woo hoo, woo hoo' expresses joy and enthusiasm.


The lyrics of the song 'Adventure of a Lifetime' by Coldplay are about a special and magical moment where someone tells another person to harness their magical potential to achieve their dreams. The person is encouraged to believe in the power of dreams and realize that everything they desire is just a dream away. They are called legends and described as diamonds that find their shape under pressure and burden.
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Coldplay - Adventure of a Lifetime
Source: Youtube
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