
Meaning of 'Fühlst du gar nichts?'

Reviewed by Willem
am September 21st, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • # The song addresses the emptiness and indifference after the end of a relationship, which evoke deep emotions and questions in the protagonist.
  • # It reflects on the ambivalence of feelings and the possibility of returning to the past.
  • # Despite the liberation that the separation can represent, melancholy remains present, as the relationship was intense and caused pain.
  • # The text addresses the complexity of relationships, separations, and the process of letting go and healing.
  • # It discusses contradictory emotions and the attraction of chaos in relationships.


In the song "Fühlst du gar nichts?" by ENNIO, it is about a relationship that has ended but still evokes deep emotions and questions in the protagonist. The lyrics reflect the feeling of emptiness and indifference that can arise after the end of a relationship.
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ENNIO - Fühlst du gar nichts?
Source: Youtube
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