
Meaning of 'Was wäre wenn du nicht wärst?'

Reviewed by Sunny
am July 24th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • # The song is about a relationship coming to an end, reflecting on the meaning of love and superficiality in some relationships.
  • # The singer distances himself from a person who does not appreciate him and only seeks superficial things, realizing that he must break free from this toxic relationship to find his own happiness.
  • # It addresses the importance of moving away from negative influences and following one's own path, even if it is painful, as well as trust issues and the need to end relationships that do not make one happy.
  • # The lyrics encourage reflection on the meaning of love and self-respect, and distancing oneself from people who are harmful.


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fanji - Was wäre wenn du nicht wärst?
Source: Youtube
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