
by Feid

Reviewed by Silvia
am November 01st, 2023
☝️ Key Points
  • The song lyrics are about a confident woman who attracts men's attention and doesn't let anyone take advantage of her.
  • A central theme of the song is female independence and autonomy.
  • The text conveys the message that women have their own power and strength and should not let others define them.
  • Another theme addressed in the lyrics is nightlife and partying.
  • Overall, the song lyrics convey a message of self-love and self-confidence, encouraging women to stay true to themselves and enjoy life.


The lyrics of the song "CHORRITO PA LAS ANIMAS" by Feid are about a confident woman who attracts the attention of men. She is attractive and self-assured, and does not let anyone take advantage of her. The lyrics describe how the woman attracts men and gets them to pay for her. She enjoys the nightlife, likes to drink and dance. She is exclusive and not easily impressed. A central theme of the song is female independence and autonomy. The woman in the lyrics does not need to beg for attention or pretend to be someone else. She is proud of herself and does not let negative experiences bring her down. The lyrics convey the message that women have their own power and strength and should not let others define them. Another theme addressed in the lyrics is nightlife and partying. The party atmosphere is described, and it is emphasized that it is a night for women. Expectations towards women are highlighted and that they can autonomously decide who to go out with and what they want to do. Overall, the lyrics of the song "CHORRITO PA LAS ANIMAS" by Feid convey a message of self-love and self-confidence. It encourages women to stay true to themselves and not let others define them. The lyrics celebrate the strength and independence of women and encourage them to enjoy life to the fullest.
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