
Meaning of 'Splendide previsioni'

Reviewed by Maria
am September 23rd, 2023
☝️ Key Points
  • The song lyrics describe the feeling of insecurity and loss in life.
  • It emphasizes that we often feel like travelers who don't know where they're going.
  • The text addresses the transformation and mutation that occur in the world and in people.
  • It highlights the transience and fleetingness of life.
  • The song lyrics express that life passes quickly and that we often don't feel connected with the heart.


The lyrics of the song "Splendide previsioni" by Franco Battiato are a poetic description of the feeling of uncertainty and loss that often accompanies life. The text expresses the idea that we often feel like travelers who don't know where they're going.

The text begins with the metaphor of a letter to nothingness, indicating that life is often mysterious and unpredictable. It is also mentioned that people live without a head, indicating that they live without clear ideas or goals.

The text also contains the idea of transformation and mutation, suggesting that the world and people are constantly changing and evolving. It is emphasized that we don't know where we're going, highlighting the uncertainty and fear of the future.

The text also addresses the idea of transience and the fleeting nature of life. It is mentioned that the hand that writes is also a shadow and that the sound we hear has already disappeared. This emphasizes the idea that life passes quickly and we often don't feel connected with the heart.

Overall, the lyrics of the song "Splendide previsioni" express the uncertainty and feeling of loss that often accompanies life. They emphasize the idea that we often feel like travelers who don't know where they're going and that life passes quickly.
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Franco Battiato - Splendide previsioni
Source: Youtube
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