
Meaning of 'When I was seventeen'

Reviewed by Katrin
am September 16th, 2023
☝️ Key Points
  • The singer nostalgically reflects on different phases of his life, each of which he refers to as 'good years'.
  • In the first verse, he reminisces about his romantic encounters and youthful freedom at the age of 17.
  • In the second verse, at the age of 21, life points to a more exciting, urban phase, possibly with more relationships and adventures.
  • When he was 35, he refers to a phase of success and luxury, traveling in limousines and interacting with wealthy women.
  • In the last verse, Sinatra uses a metaphor for aging and maturity, seeing his life like 'matured wine', full of rich experiences and memories.


The lyrics of 'When I was seventeen' by Frank Sinatra are a nostalgic look back at different phases of his life, which he refers to as 'good years'.

In the first verse, Sinatra sings about his youth when he was seventeen years old. This was a time of innocence and simplicity. 'It was a good year for small-town girls and soft summer nights'. He reminisces about summer evenings and girls from small towns, indicating romantic encounters and youthful freedom at that age.

In the second verse, when he was twenty-one, his life became more complicated and exciting. 'It was a very good year for city girls who lived up the stairs with all the perfumed hairs'. Here he speaks of 'city girls', suggesting a more exciting, urban phase of life, possibly with more relationships and adventures.

In the third verse, when he was thirty-five, he had established himself and experienced luxury and wealth. 'For blue-blooded girls of independent means, we'd ride in limousines their chauffeurs would drive'. Here, he writes about women from wealthy families and riding in limousines, indicating a phase of success and luxury.

In the last verse, Sinatra reflects on his current situation and sees his life as 'vintage wine'. 'And now I think of my life as vintage wine from fine old kegs, from the brim to the drapes'. This is a metaphor for aging and maturity, and how he sees his life as a series of 'good years', full of rich experiences and memories.
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Frank Sinatra - When I was seventeen
Source: Youtube
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