
Meaning of 'Coração Partido (Corazón Partío)'

Reviewed by Andreas
am September 06th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • #The song is about a disappointed love and the emotional conflicts that come with it, with the singer describing how his heart was broken.
  • #The disappointment over unrequited love and the behavior of the other person is evident, making the singer feel betrayed and hurt.
  • #The lines show the singer's internal conflicts, torn between love and self-respect, but ultimately deciding to end the relationship and distance himself from the person.
  • #At the end of the song, the message is clear: the singer, despite his love, recognizes that he deserves to be happy and not continue to be hurt by the person.
  • #The song lyrics sensitively express feelings of heartbreak, betrayal, and self-esteem, as the singer frees himself from a toxic relationship and recognizes his own worth.


The song "Coração Partido" by Grupo Menos É Mais is about a disappointed love and the emotional conflicts that come with it. The singer describes how he tried everything to be with the other person, but was ultimately disappointed. Despite that, he confesses that he still loves her, but decides to leave her because she broke his heart.

In the lines of the text, the disappointment over unrequited love and the behavior of the other person is evident. The singer feels betrayed and hurt, as the person he loved only caused him pain. He describes how he fought to save the relationship, but ultimately his heart was broken.

The lines "Eu não vou negar que ainda te amo, Mas você merece o meu abandono" show the singer's inner conflicts, torn between love and self-respect. He ultimately decides to end the relationship and distance himself from the person who caused him pain.

At the end of the song, the message is clear: although the singer still loves the other person, he recognizes that he deserves to be happy and not to continue being hurt by her. Despite the broken heart, the decision to break free from this toxic relationship remains.

The lyrics of the song "Coração Partido" express in a heartfelt way the feelings of heartache, betrayal, and self-esteem, as the singer frees himself from a disappointed love and recognizes his own worth.
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More from Grupo Menos É Mais
Grupo Menos É Mais - Coração Partido (Corazón Partío)
Source: Youtube
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