
Meaning of 'Tengo un Plan'

Reviewed by Silvia
am March 29th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about love, desire, and the strong connection between the singer and a woman he greatly desires.
  • In the chorus, it becomes clear that the singer has a plan to spend time with the woman and get lost in her, as she is the center of his attention and affection.
  • Intimate moments between the two are addressed, such as smoking marijuana together and supporting each other in difficult times.
  • The lyrics show elements of confidence and security both in the singer and the woman, enhancing their mutual attraction.
  • Overall, the song conveys the emotions, passion, and desire in a relationship, as well as the intimacy and deep connection between the two protagonists.


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Key-Key - Tengo un Plan
Source: Youtube
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