
Meaning of 'Simple Life'

Reviewed by Martinez
am June 03rd, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The protagonist of the song fears getting into a romantic relationship and has shut off her feelings to protect herself.
  • Quotes in the song like 'Don't make me fall in love' and 'Got my feelings turned off' show the internal resistance to love and closeness.
  • Lines like 'How I hate the way you smile' and '′Cause it melts the ice around my simple life' illustrate the protagonist's internal conflict between attraction and fear.
  • The song reflects the protagonist's struggle to resist strong feelings while trying to lead a simple life.
  • Ultimately, 'Simple Life' is about how difficult it can be to balance between the fear of getting hurt and the desire for closeness and love.


The song "Simple Life" by Leony is about the fear of allowing oneself to feel emotions and engage in a romantic relationship. The protagonist of the song feels comfortable in her simple life, without emotionally connecting with anyone. She has shut off her feelings to protect herself from hurt.
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Leony - Simple Life
Source: Youtube
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