
Meaning of 'J’crois qu’ils ont pas compris'
by Leto

Reviewed by Andreas
am September 10th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song reflects Leto's frustration and sense of being misunderstood in relation to his experiences and others' inability to understand him.
  • Themes such as violence, love, self-confidence, and dealing with problems are addressed in the lyrics, along with criticism of society and politicians.
  • Leto emphasizes his change and distancing from the past, as well as his determination to assert himself and preserve his identity as an artist.
  • The repetition of the line 'J'crois qu'ils ont pas compris' underscores Leto's feeling of not being understood and the misunderstandings often associated with his image.
  • Overall, the song is a powerful representation of Leto's emotions, marked by anger, disappointment, and a desire for understanding, and it challenges listeners to look closer and truly understand what he wants to convey.


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Leto - J’crois qu’ils ont pas compris
Source: Youtube
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