
Meaning of 'No me duele'

Reviewed by Andreas
am October 14th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • Morad reflects on the reduction of his number of friends throughout his life and how ultimately it doesn't cause him any pain.
  • He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and loyalty in friendships and that it's better to focus on a few true friends.
  • The song addresses personal growth, self-discovery, and the realization that one must rely on oneself to stay strong.
  • Morad talks about how in difficult times he realized who was truly there for him and who wasn't, and that one should let go of those who are not genuine.
  • He highlights that true friendships are precious and that it's important to trust only those who truly deserve it.


The lyrics of the song "No me duele" by Morad deal with the themes of friendship, trust, disappointment, and autonomy. Morad reflects on how the number of his friends has decreased over the course of his life, but ultimately it doesn't cause him pain. He talks about how in difficult times he has realized who is truly there for him and who is not. Despite the disappointments, Morad is determined to rely on himself and only on those who truly deserve it. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and loyalty in friendships. He also talks about the harshness of life and the need to depend on oneself to stay strong. The artist emphasizes that it doesn't hurt to let go of those who are not genuine or who abandon you, and focuses on valuing true friends, even if they are few. Overall, the song speaks of personal growth, self-discovery, and the understanding that true friendships are valuable and that one must rely on oneself to stay strong.
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Morad - No me duele
Source: Youtube
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