
Meaning of 'Right About You'

Reviewed by Martinez
am August 14th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song reflects on how a particular person has changed the singer's life and whether love would endure even in difficult times.
  • The singer emphasizes that the love for this person alleviates his pain and gives him inspiration, even when he sometimes can't find the words.
  • The presence of this person has changed the theme and content of the singer's songs, shifting from previous themes like sin and drugs to hope and love.
  • The singer expresses gratitude for meeting the right person, who has helped him reach new heights and been by his side in difficult moments.
  • Overall, the song expresses how this special person gives the singer hope, love, and inspiration, and has positively influenced his life.


In "Right About You" by Post Malone, it is about how a special person has changed the singer's life. He reflects on whether the love of this person would still exist if he had nothing and lived on the street. The singer describes how he made money with sad and lonely songs, but that his most valuable diamonds come from difficult times. He emphasizes that the love for this person alleviates his pain and gives him inspiration, even when he sometimes can no longer find words.
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Post Malone - Right About You
Source: Youtube
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