
Meaning of 'Tough'

Reviewed by Willem
am July 08th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • # The song "Tough" addresses strength and resilience in difficult life situations, describing different aspects of this toughness.
  • # Quavo compares the unpredictability of life to challenges like the wearing down of leather shoes, the work ethic of laborers, and the durability of a family heirloom.
  • # The message conveyed is that one should be like a raw diamond to symbolize resilience and inner strength.
  • # The song reflects the singer's personal experiences, such as going through pain, losing loved ones, and finding love and support in tough times.
  • # Overall, "Tough" emphasizes the importance of steadfastness, authenticity, and overcoming obstacles in life, as well as the importance of staying true to oneself and following one's own path.


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More from Quavo
Quavo - Tough
Source: Youtube
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