
Meaning of 'SIDEQUEST'

Reviewed by Sven
am September 27th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song addresses a complicated relationship, in which the protagonist tries to meet the expectations of his partner, while also struggling with his own insecurities.
  • The relationship is described as a kind of 'side quest', an additional adventure alongside everyday life, pointing to the challenges and ambivalence in the partnership.
  • It discusses the difficulty of communication and understanding in relationships, as well as the balance between closeness and independence.
  • The text reflects self-doubt, insecurities, and ambivalence in the relationship, but also shows attraction, passion, and the desire to grow together.
  • Overall, the song invites reflection on love, communication, and personal development, and shows the highs and lows as well as the efforts to be happy in a relationship.


In "SIDEQUEST" by reezy, it is about a complicated relationship in which the protagonist tries to meet the expectations and views of his partner, while also struggling with his own insecurities and doubts. The text reflects the dynamics of a relationship where there are difficulties in understanding each other and being happy together.

In the song lyrics, the relationship is described as a kind of "sidequest", an additional adventure or challenge alongside everyday life. The protagonist also reflects on doubts and insecurities, such as whether his partner would love him even if he had no money or status symbols.

It also addresses how communication difficulties and misunderstandings can lead to conflicts. The protagonist tries to express his feelings and thoughts, but often feels misunderstood and frustrated.

The text also shows the ambivalence in the relationship, where there is attraction and passion on one hand, but also insecurity and distance on the other. The challenge is to find a balance between closeness and independence.

Overall, "SIDEQUEST" reflects the complexity of relationships, the ups and downs, the insecurities, and the efforts to understand each other and grow together. The song lyrics invite reflection on love, communication, and personal development.
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