
Meaning of 'Gris'
by Sch

Reviewed by Sunny
am June 02nd, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about the gray areas and complicated emotions in relationships or interpersonal connections.
  • The complexity and depth of the singer's feelings are reflected in the line 'Des milliers de nuances de gris'.
  • Despite love and disappointment, the relationship remains in an indecipherable gray area, as emphasized in the chorus 'C′est ni noir, ni blanc, c′est tout gris'.
  • The song also reflects on the meaning of money and material things in relationships, as well as on true values in difficult times.
  • Finally, the song addresses the theme of letting go and remembering, while the singer accepts the ambiguity of the situation and keeps the memories in the gray of the past.


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Sch - Gris
Source: Youtube
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