
Meaning of 'Zzyzx Rd.'

Reviewed by Jessica
am August 14th, 2023
☝️ Key Points
  • The song lyrics are about an individual in a deep crisis.
  • It's about exhaustion, frustration, and the desire for change.
  • It expresses the inner struggle and the desire for a fulfilling life.
  • The singer feels supported by lies and promises that lead to nothing.
  • It's about the search for one's own worth and the desire for freedom from the expectations of others.


The song lyrics "Zzyzx Rd." by Stone Sour are about an individual going through a deep crisis. The singer describes their exhaustion and inability to see clearly. They feel physically and emotionally drained, as if their body is fighting against them. Despite their efforts to be strong, they are still filled with fear and uncertainty.

They feel supported by lies and promises that ultimately amount to nothing. Life seems to have forgotten them and they begin to believe it's time to see the world. They're only here for a short time and patience is not their style.

They're so tired that they have to leave. They wonder what they should hide now and what they should do. They believe others didn't think they would make it. They're too tired to care.

Although they can go home in a week, they'll leave their home in three weeks. They feel like a pawn being used by others. They follow instructions without truly understanding why they should do so. They're tired of existing in a state of limbo and following false ideas and placebos. They wouldn't even mind fading away.

They long to be with their family and die in insignificance. They're so tired that they have to leave. They wonder where they should hide now and what they should do. They still don't believe they'll make it. They want to be told they're part of the story and could have it all. But they're still too tired to care.

The song lyrics express exhaustion, frustration, and a desire for change. It's about breaking free from others' expectations, finding one's own path, and recognizing one's own worth. It's an expression of the internal struggles we all sometimes face and the longing for a fulfilling and authentic life.
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Stone Sour - Zzyzx Rd.
Source: Youtube
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