
Meaning of 'Blow for Blow'

Reviewed by Willem
am September 27th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • Tee Grizzley raps about his achievements and how he has succeeded in the music industry, emphasizing his skills and influence in the scene.
  • He displays pride in his accomplishments and independence, stands out from other rappers, and emphasizes his hard work to be successful.
  • The song addresses Tee Grizzley's handling of betrayal and fame, how he stands against negative influences, and consistently follows his path.
  • It is a powerful anthem that reflects Tee Grizzley's confidence and determination, celebrates his success, and shows that he has gone his own way despite obstacles.


In the song "Blow for Blow" by Tee Grizzley, he raps about his achievements and how he made it in the music industry. He emphasizes his skills and influence in the scene. He also mentions how he stands out from other rappers and how hard he has worked to get to where he is today.

The lyrics make it clear that Tee Grizzley is proud of his accomplishments and is not easily impressed by others. He talks about his wealth, his independence, and his determination to succeed. He also mentions that he does not let negative influences affect him and consistently follows his own path.

Tee Grizzley also addresses themes such as betrayal and fame. He talks about how some people he supported in the past turned against him when he became successful. Nevertheless, he remains steadfast and focused on his success.

The song "Blow for Blow" is a powerful anthem that reflects Tee Grizzley's confidence and determination. He celebrates his success, remembers his past, and shows that despite all obstacles and setbacks, he has followed his own path.
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Tee Grizzley - Blow for Blow
Source: Youtube
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