
Meaning of 'Phantom Regret by Jim'

Reviewed by Sunny
am August 26th, 2023
☝️ Key Points
  • The song represents a deep reflection on life, death, and the meaning of regret.
  • The song lyrics invite self-critical reflection on past actions, decisions, and relationships, as well as the congruence of lived life.
  • 'Phantom Regret' illustrates the burden of unspoken words, unfinished business, and incurable wounds after death.
  • The text ends with the understanding that true happiness resides in the present moment and not in the pursuit of bliss.
  • The song urges the listener to embrace life in all its complexity, let go of the past, and find inner peace in the here and now.


The song 'Phantom Regret by Jim' by The Weeknd is a profound reflection on life, death, and the meaning of regret. It begins with an invitation to the listener to sit back and listen, as it may take a while, suggesting an intense introspective journey.

The song lyrics raise questions like 'How much resentment did you take to the grave?' and 'Have you ever been in tune with the song life hummed?'. These questions prompt reflection on past actions, decisions, and relationships. They suggest that life is full of discordances and obstacles, and that it is important to recognize and accept them.

The chorus speaks of 'phantom regret' that continues to live on even when the body is long gone. This suggests the burden that unsaid words, unfinished business, and unhealed wounds can leave behind after death.

The song lyrics conclude with the realization that heaven is for those who can let go of their regret. It emphasizes that true happiness lies in the depth of the present moment, not in achieving bliss. The final part of the song urges the listener to relax their mind, align their soul, and dance until they find the 'divine boogaloo', indicating a sense of freedom and inner peace.

Overall, 'Phantom Regret by Jim' is a call to embrace life in its full complexity, let go of the past, and find peace in the here and now.
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The Weeknd - Phantom Regret by Jim
Source: Youtube
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