
Meaning of 'Goosebumps'

Reviewed by Martinez
am September 22nd, 2023
☝️ Key Points
  • The lyrics describe the feeling of excitement that Travis feels when his beloved person is nearby.
  • Travis doesn't care about other people's opinions, as he is too numb.
  • The text includes lines about his background and his strength in the music scene.
  • Travis emphasizes his influence and success in the music scene.
  • Overall, the song is about love, success, and self-confidence.


The lyrics of the song "Goosebumps" by Travis Scott describe the excitement that Travis feels when his loved one is near. The line "I get those goosebumps every time, yeah, you come around, yeah" shows that he gets chills every time that person is close to him. Their presence calms his mind and makes him forget everything else.

Travis also mentions that he doesn't care about comments or opinions from other people, as he is too numb. He says: "I'm way too numb, yeah, it's way too dumb, yeah". This means that he doesn't care about what others think of him, because it's unimportant to him.

The lyrics also contain lines that talk about his origins and his strength in the music scene. He mentions "7-1-3 to the 2-8-1", which is the area code for Houston, Texas, where he grew up. He also expresses that he is unbeatable with his team: "Yeah, when I'm with my squad I cannot do no wrong". He emphasizes that he is influential and successful by saying: "Put the pussy on a pedestal, Put the pussy on a high horse".

Overall, Travis Scott's "Goosebumps" is about the emotional reaction he has due to the presence of his loved one, as well as his confidence and strength as an artist. The lyrics give the listener a feeling of excitement and energy. It's a song about love, success, and self-confidence.
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Travis Scott - Goosebumps
Source: Youtube
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