
Meaning of 'Laboratoire'

Reviewed by Willem
am August 21st, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about self-confidence, success, and the tough life in a place where mistakes are not allowed and hard work is necessary to be successful.
  • It emphasizes that success and luxury are often costly and require sacrifices, while the artist portrays himself as strong and invulnerable, similar to the character Terminator.
  • Wealth and power are themes in the song, with the artist emphasizing money, success, and dealing with envy and jealousy, while showcasing his control and superiority.
  • The text also deals with handling fame and the pressure to remain successful, with the artist portraying himself as knowledgeable about the dark sides of life, even before they can catch up to him.
  • Overall, 'Laboratoire' is a powerful anthem of self-assurance, success, and the hard fight for recognition and prosperity, where the artist shows strength, determination, and resolve to survive in a tough world.


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Werenoi - Laboratoire
Source: Youtube
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