
Meaning of 'Boons'

Reviewed by Silvia
am July 03rd, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about an internal conflict between city life and the desire for the tranquility and simplicity of rural life.
  • The protagonist finds comfort and fulfillment in nature away from the hustle and bustle of urban life and longs to die in the solitude of nature.
  • He is repelled by the noise and superficiality of the city and instead seeks peace and simplicity in remote areas, where he finds everything he needs.
  • The singer values the uncomplicated kindness and simplicity of rural life as opposed to the encounter in the city that does not fulfill him.
  • At the end of the song, the singer expresses his acceptance of his fate in nature and enjoys the moments of peace and tranquility he finds in the 'boons'.


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Zach Bryan - Boons
Source: Youtube
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