
Meaning of 'Malicia'

Reviewed by Sunny
am June 17th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about a complicated relationship in which different feelings and expectations are present.
  • It emphasizes the independence and strength of the narrator, who is not influenced by the desires of their partner.
  • The lines make it clear that the feelings are not reciprocated and the person sets clear boundaries, but can also find solutions.
  • The chorus suggests that the narrator's caution disappears in moments of tenderness.
  • Overall, the song emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and setting personal boundaries.


The lyrics of the song "Malicia" by DELLAFUENTE deal with a complicated relationship in which one person does not feel the same way as the other. It is about the incompatibility of feelings and expectations in a relationship. The song emphasizes the independence and strength of the narrator, who is not influenced by the desires or expectations of their partner.

The lines "Tú me quieres y yo no" and "Esta vida no es la mía, Una sí, pero dos no" illustrate that the feelings are not reciprocated and the person sets their own boundaries. Despite the problems that arise, the narrator shows the ability to find solutions and clarify things: "Sé cómo arreglar lo nuestro, Vamo' a darno' la razón".

The chorus "Se me va la malicia cuando me acaricia" suggests that the caution and suspicion of the narrator disappear at certain moments, especially when tenderness is involved. It is emphasized that despite all the difficulties and misunderstandings, one should maintain their own strength and determination.

Overall, the lyrics of the song "Malicia" express the idea of staying true to oneself, setting one's own boundaries, and not being influenced by the expectations of others.
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