
Meaning of 'Manos Rotas'

Reviewed by Willem
am November 20th, 2023
☝️ Key Points
  • The song 'Manos Rotas' deals with a relationship destroyed by money and false priorities.
  • The singer feels betrayed and lonely, as his partner has manipulated him and left him with a note.
  • The singer loves his partner very much, but she is obsessed with material things and seems unsatisfied, no matter how much he tries to please her.
  • The relationship is compared to the mafia, as the singer feels manipulated and exploited.
  • The singer feels empty and hurt, as if his heart has been ransacked.


In the lyrics of the song "Manos Rotas" by DELLAFUENTE, it's about a relationship that was destroyed by money and wrong priorities. The singer describes how he gave so much of himself that he ended up broken. He invested his heart and hands in this relationship, but money changed everything. What could have been was altered by the influence of money. The singer feels betrayed not knowing that his partner was playing with him and manipulating him. She left him and abandoned him with a note talking about their relationship. He feels isolated and lonely like a homeless person. The singer loves his partner so much that he wants to give her the world, but she is obsessed with external things like galaxies. He tries to satisfy her by looking into her eyes, but she seems content. He compares their relationship to the mafia, feeling manipulated and exploited. It is also hinted that they are different and that the relationship is not good for him. The singer feels empty and hurt, as if his heart had been searched. The text also emphasizes the woman's external appearance, how she perfumes herself and showcases her beauty. The singer is addicted to her face and her gaze, but she is unattainable and proud. In summary, "Manos Rotas" is about a relationship that was destroyed by money, wrong priorities, and dishonesty. The singer feels betrayed and lonely, while his partner focuses on superficial things.
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