
Meaning of 'Own It'

Reviewed by Willem
am August 25th, 2023
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about the intense connection and devotion between two people.
  • Drake expresses his feelings and shows that he is fully dedicated to a person.
  • He reflects on superficial relationships and the gossip of others.
  • Drake emphasizes that the person belongs to him and he wants them to acknowledge it and claim it for themselves.
  • It is also about the desire for trust, love, and a strong emotional connection.


The song lyrics 'Own It' by Drake are about the feeling of belonging completely to someone and the intense connection between two people. Drake expresses his feelings and shows that he dedicates himself fully to a person.

In the lyrics, Drake says that the person the song is dedicated to is still the one he adores. There isn't much he feels emotions for, except for this person. He then asks who this person belongs to, and answers himself that she belongs to him. It is also clear that their relationship is not a secret, as everyone has seen them together.

Drake says that the next time he doesn't just want to have sex, but make love. The next time he doesn't just want to talk, but have trust. He wants to be strong and be there for this person. He wants to spend his time and his money with her.

In the chorus, he tells the person to own all of it and claim it for herself. He encourages her to take her place and assert herself.

In the second part of the song, Drake talks about the gossip of other people. He realizes that men talk more than women nowadays. He reflects on the changes in relationships and how drugs and media influence the youth. It becomes clear that he feels alienated from people and that they no longer ask about him or care about him. He also talks about a past relationship where he believes the person doesn't really love him, but only says certain things to reach him.

At the end of the song, Drake emphasizes once again that the person belongs to him and he wants her to acknowledge it and claim it for herself. He asks her to own it.

Overall, the song lyrics 'Own It' by Drake are about dedication and the desire for a strong emotional connection with a person, as well as frustration over superficial relationships and the gossip of other people.
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Drake - Own It
Source: Youtube
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