
Meaning of 'FR'

Reviewed by Jessica
am September 22nd, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song addresses a tough and authentic lifestyle, characterized by power, respect, and life as a 'Shooter'.
  • It emphasizes the toughness and realness of the protagonist, who takes pride in his wealth and illegal power.
  • The lyrics use specific terms and brands to illustrate the luxurious lifestyle of the protagonist and emphasize his dominance.
  • The protagonist distances himself from those who are not on his level, highlighting his superiority and readiness for violence.
  • Overall, the song conveys an image of a life marked by power, wealth, and violence, characterized by strong self-confidence and a tough facade.


The song "FR" by KALIM is about an authentic and tough lifestyle shaped by the streets. It deals with themes like power, respect, and life as a "Shooter", someone seen as dangerous and influential in certain circles.
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