
Meaning of 'Licht brennt'

Reviewed by Maria
am August 28th, 2023
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about a conflict between two people marked by hatred and anger.
  • The singer cannot forgive or forget and feels a deep hatred towards his opponent.
  • The singer emphasizes that only the death of his opponent's mother could put an end to this conflict.
  • The singer warns his opponent not to lose face and endanger his relatives.
  • The song lyrics show how hatred affects the singer's thinking and actions, and doesn't let him rest at night.


In the lyrics of the song "Licht brennt" by KALIM, it is about a conflict between two people marked by hatred and anger. The singer sees the light of his opponent burning and drives around the block several times to process his anger. It seems that both families have a shared past and fled from war. However, despite this connection, the singer feels a deep hatred towards his opponent that keeps him from sleeping at night.

The singer emphasizes that he cannot forgive or forget. He is deeply hurt and hatred dominates his life. Only the death of his opponent's mother could put an end to this. The singer points out that his opponent has gone too far and should be ashamed of it. He urges him to preserve his face before the situation escalates and endangers his relatives. The singer also mentions that it is useless to wear a bulletproof and stab-proof vest if he is ultimately hit by a nine-millimeter bullet.

Overall, the lyrics of the song are about the deep emotional injury and the unquenchable hatred of the singer towards his opponent. The text shows how this hatred influences his thinking and actions and does not allow him to find peace at night.
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More from KALIM
KALIM - Licht brennt
Source: Youtube
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