
Meaning of 'Enhorabuena'

Reviewed by Maria
am August 12th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about a toxic relationship in which the singer feels deceived by a deceitful and disappointing woman.
  • The woman's outer beauty is emphasized, while the singer is internally disappointed by her false nature.
  • The lyrics criticize the woman's false behavior despite her outer attractiveness and reflect the singer's realization that he was blinded.
  • The painful experience of a failed relationship and the confusion about one's own feelings are addressed.
  • Overall, the song deals with themes of deception, disappointment, and letting go of a toxic relationship, while the singer expresses feelings of disappointment and hurt.


"Enhorabuena" by Manuel Turizo is about a toxic relationship in which the singer feels betrayed and disappointed by a woman. He describes how he was dazzled by her outer beauty but disappointed and hurt inside. The lyrics reflect the disappointment and the inability to recognize the true nature of the person he loved.
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Manuel Turizo - Enhorabuena
Source: Youtube
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