
Meaning of 'Qué Pecao'

Reviewed by Andreas
am October 08th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • #The song is about a man who has feelings for a woman, but they are not reciprocated.
  • #It describes the singer's longing to be with the woman, and his willingness to be patient and wait for her.
  • #The singer tries to convince the woman that he is different from other men and asks for a chance to talk to her and maybe even start with a kiss.
  • #It addresses the singer's frustration that the woman has chosen to remain alone, and how much he admires and desires her.
  • #The song expresses feelings of longing, hope, and desire, as the singer tries to win the woman's attention and love.


The song "Qué Pecao" by Manuel Turizo is about a man who has feelings for a woman, but they are not reciprocated. The singer describes his longing to be with her, his willingness to be patient and wait for her. He asks for a chance to talk to her and perhaps even start with a kiss. The song also addresses the singer's frustration at the woman deciding to remain alone and not considering the possibility of being with him. He tries to convince her that not all men are the same and that he is different. The lyrics also express how the singer admires and desires the woman, describing how much he wishes for her to return his feelings and how he is willing to do anything to be with her. Overall, the song "Qué Pecao" conveys feelings of longing, hope, and desire as the singer tries to capture the attention and love of the woman.
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Manuel Turizo - Qué Pecao
Source: Youtube
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