
Meaning of '04AM'

Reviewed by Silvia
am September 10th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The lyrics describe the hectic life of a man who has to earn money on the street at 4 in the morning and has no time for family or love.
  • The protagonist reflects on his past, yearns for a sense of belonging, and struggles with fear and uncertainty.
  • Despite fears and insecurities, he has big dreams and ambitions, wants to be successful and even travel to space.
  • The moonlight symbolizes the search for home and identity, while the protagonist battles inner demons and yet remains determined to achieve his goals.
  • Overall, the song is about dreams, ambitions, fears, and the strong will to be successful, regardless of the obstacles.


The lyrics of the song "04AM" by Matuê tell the story of a man who is out on the street at 4 in the morning trying to make money. He describes his fast life in which he has no time for his family or his lover. He feels restless and unable to slow down.
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Matuê - 04AM
Source: Youtube
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