
Meaning of 'O Som'

Reviewed by Sunny
am September 10th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song reflects the search for oneself and for meaning, as the protagonist gets lost in illusions but still feels their heart through the sound.
  • It is emphasized that music and sound can have a healing power, healing wounds and providing comfort.
  • The text passage highlights the creative and dreamy nature of humans, considering music as a means of expressing emotions and dreams.
  • The constant repetition of the word 'som' symbolizes the continuous search for sound, identity, and self-healing.
  • In summary, the song addresses the importance of music as a guide to healing, comfort, and self-discovery, considering sound as a beacon on the journey to inner truth.


The song "O Som" by Matuê is about how the protagonist is in search of himself and meaning. It describes how he gets lost in illusions, but still feels his heart when he follows the sound. The text reflects the idea that music and sound can have a healing power.
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Matuê - O Som
Source: Youtube
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