
Meaning of 'Castlevania'

Reviewed by Silvia
am September 10th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about luxury, abundance, and a carefree lifestyle where the singer leaves behind problems and stress through drug consumption and jet flights.
  • It highlights the portrayal of wealth and status symbols like luxury watches and cars as the central theme of the song.
  • The lyrics address the superficiality of some people who only want expensive things without making compromises, while the singer has achieved his success and wealth through his art.
  • The repetition of the chorus emphasizes how the singer benefits from his wealth and status, attracts the attention of others, and leads a life full of excess and self-realization.
  • Overall, the song describes a life full of luxury, excess, and a carefree approach to wealth.


"Castlevania" by Matuê is a song about luxury, abundance, and a carefree lifestyle. The singer talks about leaving problems and stress behind by consuming drugs and flying home in his jet. He mentions how much money he has and how he seemingly spends it effortlessly. A central theme in the song is the portrayal of wealth and status symbols like luxury watches and cars.
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Matuê - Castlevania
Source: Youtube
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