
Meaning of 'La famine'

Reviewed by Silvia
am October 18th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song reflects on themes such as success, distrust towards new friends, and the importance of money, health, and family.
  • Werenoi talks about his own success and his evolution from his beginnings to the current moment.
  • Symbols like cars, diamonds, and money are mentioned, but Werenoi emphasizes that personal values like family, health, and career are more important to him.
  • The chorus 'C'est nos tres-mon qui donnent l'heure, négro, c'est plus la faim' suggests that Werenoi and his crew no longer have to hunger and are on the path to success.
  • The song deals with themes such as priorities in life, the path to success, and the preservation of values amid temptations and distrust.


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Werenoi - La famine
Source: Youtube
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