
Meaning of 'Hello goodbye'

Reviewed by Sunny
am June 11th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about an emotional chaos and the fear of new encounters, which often leaves the protagonist feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
  • It reflects themes of regret and self-doubt as the protagonist thinks about missed opportunities and blames herself for not acting more courageously.
  • The repetition of the words 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' symbolizes the back and forth between the desire for contact and the fear of rejection or disappointment.
  • The song portrays the inner conflict and self-blame of the protagonist, who often gets in her own way and withdraws from potentially positive experiences.
  • Ultimately, the song addresses human insecurity and the difficulty of embracing new things.


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Charli XCX - Hello goodbye
Source: Youtube
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