
Meaning of 'So I'

Reviewed by Maria
am June 09th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about loss, sadness, and regret in a relationship where the singer pushed away a loved one due to fear and insecurity.
  • It portrays a mutual struggle in the relationship, where the person was both loving and brutally honest, leading to feelings of guilt and pain after their loss.
  • The lyrics express regret for not opening up and connecting more, as well as appreciation for the advice and support the person provided.
  • At the end of the song, the message of love, sadness, and the desire for reconciliation is reinforced, while the singer emphasizes the importance of remembering and mourning.
  • Overall, the song expresses the complexity of interpersonal relationships and highlights the importance of love, openness, and acceptance.


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Charli XCX - So I
Source: Youtube
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