
Meaning of 'Housekeeping Knows'

Reviewed by Willem
am August 11th, 2024
☝️ Key Points
  • The song is about a passionate and intimate relationship that disrupts the singer's sleep when their partner is nearby.
  • It is suggested that the household staff are aware of the couple's intimate activities, highlighting the obvious love and passion between them.
  • The singer shows their dedication by emphasizing that they wouldn't treat their partner as a lover, but as something special, for which they even book flights.
  • Different types of women from different regions are mentioned, showing diversity and appreciation for different beauty ideals.
  • The song conveys a mix of romance, desire, luxury, and self-confidence, reflecting the various facets of relationships and personal style.


The song "Housekeeping Knows" by Drake is about a romantic relationship characterized by passion and intimacy. The singer describes how he struggles to get enough sleep when his partner is lying next to him. He mentions how often they have to change the sheets, indicating that they have a very active and wild relationship.
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Drake - Housekeeping Knows
Source: Youtube
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